Height Defiant Celebrity


Dana Wilde’s Height seems to vary from page to page. I remember when she was a guest in Bill Bryson’s office, and he had to turn down an invitation to dinner with her because she was only 6 feet tall. That is extreme short, and apparently such a short height does not sit well with many people, even in Hollywood. Yet, this is an individual choice for each woman, and one that I applaud her for choosing to pursue in spite of the objection.

Height does indeed seem to affect people’s impressions of an individual, and this is certainly true in the case of Dana. In her book, The Heart Pills, she talks about how many times men will reject her advances based on her height. This is not a new experience for her, as it seems that men are just as distrustful of women who are considered too short as they are of those who are considered very tall. It appears that these particular perceptions are ingrained in public attitudes, and it is interesting to wonder whether the height difference might be partly due to her public persona Dana is a very cheerful, extroverted person who enjoys the company of others.

Personally, I think it may have more to do with personality than physical attributes, and I do admire her for taking that attitude to her acting and writing work. If you like what you read, then I do hope you will buy the collection. In fact, you can get a copy from Amazon by clicking the link below. It will surely be worth your while!
