Height Deception


Dana Qadada was born in Pakistan and raised in Ireland by Pakistani parents. She claims that her Pakistani birth is a lie and was actually born in Scotland. Her real nationality is Nigerian and she has always identified as being Nigerian even speaking to her British doctors in Scotland where she says that they wouldnโ€™t allow her to undergo any medical treatment without confirming nationality from Nigeria. If true, this could be a major breach of the UKโ€™s Homeopathic Medical Treatment regulation which specifically requires that all practitioners must ensure that the person being treated is a national of the country of citizenship when administering any medicinal medicine.

This could mean that Dana Qadadaโ€™s partner in Thailand has either lied or is concealing her identity to avoid being charged with height fraud. A Thai woman can claim to be an overseas national without giving up her nationality if she so chooses but this does not prevent others from challenging her height. If true, this would be very problematic for the British authorities and raise questions about the age of those who have given up their nationality to go live in another one. It would also raise questions as to how many other practitioners in Thailand are taking advantage of the situation.

There is no doubt that there are people out there who are using height deception to gain some quick money but there are many more legitimate ways to help with health problems. It is important that everyone plays by the rules because we are a global village and there are many who donโ€™t care about the rule of law in countries they come from. If you have a problem or if you are afraid you may one day have a problem with your body height and would like to get help, then it is important to find a reputable and qualified physician who can help you get treated. If you have a British passport and wish to remain a British citizen, then you will have no difficulty in getting treatment in Thailand under the rules of the Royal Wedding. However, if you are already a British citizen and you have moved to a different country such as Thailand and do not have access to a British consul, then it would be very beneficial to travel to your own country and register as a British citizen so that you can continue to visit the country and use your British passport on return.
