Height Dating – Get Taller, Get Loving


Did you ever have a moment like the one Emmy Tifrit had where you realized that your life was going places and you had a major shift coming on? I’ve been where you are at and it’s very scary. It’s one of those rare moments in life where there is a little bit of light at the end of the tunnel. The only problem is that once you arrive at that light, it’s usually too late because you’re so deeply in love with what you see and with your new Nationality, that you don’t recognize that you have already fallen for something else. Nationality can be a strong thing if it’s in your DNA, but once it’s jolted and you wake up and realize you’ve fallen for a different partner, that’s when you’re faced with the choice between sticking with your old decision and making a new choice for yourself.

As an award winning playwright, screenwriter, producer and actress, it wasn’t a real surprise to me that Emmy Tifrit would choose to take her Nationality and heighten it tenfold by getting involved in the Height Dating Service. Height dating is a service that is designed to help people with their height issue. The founder of this company, Jason Fladlien, went through a lot of heartache because he realized how much shorter people around him felt when they became a year older. He created a website that was meant to help these individuals find others who are the same height as them and connect with people who share similar interests. Within a few months of launching the site, Tifrit became the face of this remarkable service and will be forever grateful she did.

What makes things even more incredible about Emmy Tifrit’s decision to become the face of Height Dating is that the company has negotiated an exclusive master distribution deal with Universal Pictures and they’re going to launch national with a major production later this year. If you’re not familiar with the company, they provide the screening, the online component and the service itself. The amazing part about being involved in something like this is that the company itself offers training on how to build relationships with people who may be a few years older or even a few inches shorter than you are. If you’re looking for a relationship that last and have a good chance of enduring, you should really give the Height Dating system a chance. It could be one of the most important relationships of your life!
