Height And Weight Gain Using Therapeutic Massage


Caroline Silta is a thirty-five year professional woman and the founder of a successful personal training practice. She is based in Victoria, Australia and has been a practicing Therapeutic Massage Practitioner for seven years. As an individual with a national identity, Caroline enjoys exploring new talent, challenging conventions, and using her own talents to help others. Her goal is to help others discover their own true inner spirit, potential, and gifts so that they may realize their full potential as a productive and contributing member of society. The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHRTC) have acknowledged Caroline’s leadership role in creating much needed awareness and change within the health care profession by honoring her with a leadership award.

As a Therapeutic Massage Practitioner and Fitness Expert, she combines her knowledge and passion with her love of growing healthy, vibrant plants and foods. As a result, her knowledge of nutrition, diet, exercise, and psychology helps people overcome specific physical challenges such as high blood pressure, depression, arthritis, stress, obesity, aging, heart disease, and much more. Her many years of experience and education have given her the unique combination of being able to address and heal a wide variety of conditions and improve the lives and health of individuals at all ages. Her leadership in bringing wellness to the forefront of public awareness and practice have resulted in an ever increasing following, a larger following, and ultimately a leadership position in her field that will benefit not only her patients but all other health professionals, coaches, and fitness industry partners for years to come.

In terms of height and gender, Caroline Silta is a very real role model for women everywhere who are looking to develop a lifelong career in the fitness industry. Her accomplishments are unmatched by any other Therapeutic Massage Practitioner and Fitness expert in the world today. She has achieved numerous professional excellence awards, multiple industry awards, and multiple industry recognition including being named as a contributing author in an O Magazine article that was voted the best book on fitness in the 2021 Specialty Health Carebook. Her professional network is extensive with over 100 doctors across the country that she has traveled extensively to learn more about her field. If you are serious about height increase and massaging, this may be a career worth pursuing as a part of a larger team of professionals dedicated to improving the health and wellness of all human beings.
