Height And Physique – What Are Behind The Successes Of Maria Kovaleva And Irina Krutsky?


Over the years, Maria Kovaleva has built a solid reputation as one of the most sought-after body builders in the world, due largely to her impressive height (office jobs often require at least 6′ 4″ to qualify, and many consider her a world leader in this industry). However, just what is it about Kovaleva’s physique that people yearn so much for? Is it her physique alone which has kept them enthralled with her?

In fact, the answer is simple. Kovaleva’s height is a result of a unique combination of genetics and training methods that only a select few possess. Most people have relatively short physical frames – perhaps they are even underweight due to their lack of muscular development. However, when you meet with a Russian woman who possesses an unusually tall and muscular body, you will understand why so many desire her. A tall woman stands out from her competitors in terms of physical stature, and that is why she can wear almost any piece of clothing to please the public – not because she would like to look as good in it as anybody else, but because it works.

The same is true of Maria Kovaleva. At present, the world’s tallest professional wrestler is 38-year-old challenger and former world wrestling champion Irina Krutsky. Krutsky’s extraordinary physique stems from her own natural genetic gifts – an incredibly fast metabolism, bone density and a great deal of cardiovascular stamina, all of which combine to enable her to excel beyond her competitors. It is this same combination of genes which have helped the son of a former world body builder and lightweight wrestling champion achieve the height and physique which Kovaleva possesses today. It is this combination of personal attributes which has allowed the two women to excel in their chosen profession. Kovaleva has not reached her physical peak, and Krutsky has not achieved her expected height, but through hard work, both have achieved the heights of their profession – and with great pride and determination on their respective sides.
