Height And Partner Equal Concern For Women?


The Height And Partner Issue In The National Pride Month Show And What It Means To Me: I was watching the Oprah Winfrey Show the other night and noted on the Oprah Winfrey Show that Lisa Valastro was a contestant on the season premiere of ‘The Apprentice’ with Donald Trump. She talked about her experience on the show, which I thought was a very good interview because she spoke like a true New Yorker and made her point. She also mentioned that she had always felt attracted to men taller than her, and it had bothered her since childhood. She also said she did not feel like she fit in very easily with the older set of people on the show, which is something else I noted. Height and personal identity seem to be very important issues for the New York Times, New Jersey Herald, Washington Post, L.A. Times, Chicago Tribune, among others. And what’s interesting about this is that Valastro is not the first woman to come forward and bring up her concerns about height and personal identity.

There were other women before her who spoke out about their Height And Partner issue in the National Enquirer! And these women were not pitied or treated with sympathy, rather they were fully supported and celebrated for standing up for themselves and speaking out! So it appears that Height And Partner Do In Fact Affect Men Too! But is this new awareness going to affect your marriage? Lisa Valastro made a smart point when she mentioned that if your spouse has an obvious height difference, then you can make him or her taller by buying clothes, shoes, accessories and possibly makeup!

Men may not always love big strong women, but many do love tall ones! Think about it! What are the chances of you and your spouse sharing an elevator together when there is a clear height difference between you? Height differences can be an issue for everyone, but it’s more pronounced in marriages where there are children involved.
