Height and Partner by Sofia Martin


Height and Partner by Sofia Martinez are a romantic book about two women who have to work together at a carnival. The main characters include Sofia, who is thirty-one years old; and her partner, Alejandra, who is thirty-one years old. They work at a carnival as stagehands. As the show progresses they learn more about each other, including their unusual occupations. Their personalities also shine through as they begin to fall in love. This book is an excellent read for anyone who likes romance, humor, and good lessons.

Description. Head straight to the kitchen with SofiaMartin. Sofia wants to assist her abuelita create arroz con leche to celebrate the weekly church meal, but things do not go as intended. Find out whether Sofia can fix the recipe so that her elderly grandmother is not embarrassed at such an early chapter. The novel ends with a happily ever after conclusion.

I enjoyed โ€œHeight and Partnerโ€ with its Spanish language lessons. It had me laughing out loud many times, even when I didnโ€™t understand what was going on or how it was related. I think most people will enjoy this lighthearted romantic tale about two women who are forced to work together, through some difficult situations, in order to pay their way through life. These early chapter books are fun to read because of the beautiful Spanish words and phrases, along with the entertaining way in which the author describes their situations. I think most writers could use some added help with their early chapters, and this one is exactly that.
