Height and Nationality: What’s With Tara Ansley?


Tara Ansley first rose to fame when she appeared on the first season of “The X Files” as the FBI Special Forces recruits. She played a young FBI agent, who was chosen from a pool of hundreds for a special assignment involving international terrorists. Tara was strong, intelligent and capable, which made her a perfect candidate for the position since she had been raised in America and was half British. Her height and new found nationality allowed her to excel in her role as an FBI recruit and spook those she met in her role.

The world of “The X Files” has brought Tara back to our screens as an executive producer for the second season. She has additionally worked on a number of television shows and movies over the years including “Shenandoah,” “Sickness,” “Heroes,” “Heroes Never Die” and “Tangled.” In all of these roles, she has achieved a great amount of success and expertise in a variety of acting genres. Her Height and Nationality allow her to play these roles in the United States, Australia and England, but the final decision about where she will be cast rests with the producers of the show. It is unclear at this time whether or not Ansley will stay with the U.K. based production company if that company moves their American base.

A quick search of Tara Ansley will reveal that the search is not over as she has also recently landed roles in the movies “Mindhunter” and “I Kill People’s My Way.” Her new film roles are sure to continue to grow her filmography into new frontiers. As a result, it will be interesting to see where she lands in the near future. Will she remain with “The X Files” or find her way into the world of television by developing a new series for SyFy? Or could she be part of the cast of the new female-centric comedy “Housewives of New York”?
