Height And Nationality – It’s Not That Simple


Nationality and age often seem to be the only factor in choosing a partner, but Alena Darleen defies those rules. The thirty-three-year-old Canadian has always dated within her birth country, but she’s had the good luck of finding Mr. Right outside of the United States for the last five years. While there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that particular dating strategy, it seems Alena is more than happy to expand her net of potential lovers outside her national borders.

Alena is currently a top-rated author, speaker, consultant, and internet marketer. She holds a Master’s degree in International Business and has been actively dating the men of her dreams for almost ten years. Her writing has appeared in some of the most prestigious business and financial publications in the world. Her speaking engagements and internet marketing efforts have earned her thousands of dollars in income over the last several years.

Height and nationality are not factors in the search for a new partner for Alena Darleen. Her interest was always in finding a true partner with the same level of intellectual engagement and appreciation for life that she holds. Her current partner, Marco Colli, shares many of her views about being a man of faith as well as being a devoted wife, mother, and grandmother. The combination of a nationality and an advanced education has allowed Alena to find the perfect match for herself, and now she’s hoping to share what she’s learned with other women who are hoping to find their own Mr. Right.
