Height and Nationality in the Work Place


If you are a woman of average height, you may not have given much thought to Angie Z. Her recent book, titled, “How to Be Tall – and Still Have Time for the Other Stuff,” has quickly become a best seller and has been discussed by many media personalities such as Oprah Winfrey and Dr. Oz. It is written in a very easy to read manner with very little background information. The book is basically about using your vertical height to your advantage and providing an example of what can be done. For example, if you are a man in your thirties who wants to lose some weight and get healthier, this book will help you do just that.

However, there are some aspects of this book that may put some people off. The main part of the book is about how you can use your height or nationality to your advantage. For example, if you belong to a nationality that is considered to be short, such as Japanese, you will be expected to know this. You will be expected to dress small and not take up excess space in your wardrobe. You will also be expected to know that taller people often take up less space in the office and are often looked upon less favourably than shorter colleagues – Angie Z has addressed these issues in her work as a stylist.

In addition to these aspects, however, there is one major aspect that many people won’t be aware of – and that’s that you can actually use your height or nationality to your advantage. For example, if you belong to a nationality that is considered to be short, you will find that you will be taller than many other people. This might surprise some people, but it is true. The taller you are, the more chances you have of getting ahead – and if you have a national identity, such as being Canadian, you are even more likely to be able to use this to your advantage. Angie Z has addressed these issues in her work, and this might help you get the edge over others – it just takes a bit of know how.
