Height and Citizenship Status of a Spouse With Dwarfism or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome


Maria Uve (not her real name) is a thirty-two-year-old, professional woman in Argentina. She has been married twice and is currently widowed with three grown children. Maria is not originally from Argentina but is of Italian nationality. Maria was born in Chile, where her parents, both of whom had high careers in the intellectual world, raised her four siblings in Buenos Aires. Maria’s natural talents were nurtured at an early age by her parents, who encouraged her to pursue her education despite her native nationality.

Maria Uve had what was described as an ‘academic’ nose which meant that she was easily distracted and found it difficult to focus on one subject for prolonged periods of time. In high school, however, she began to focus on her nose, particularly how it curved and fit into its proper place. This was not always comfortable for Maria, who always wore hats to cover the appearance of her crooked nose. After years of trying to fit into various social groups, Maria began to focus on building up her self esteem by reading extensively on different subjects including race relations, the nose, the height, the meaning of identity and many other topics.

Maria Uve is described as having very dark hair and dark eyes. There is also evidence that Maria Uve has some type of dwarfism or polycystic ovary syndrome. This would be evident in the physical description of the woman, whereby she is a ‘very small’ in comparison to her spouse, both in height and weight.
