Height And Citizenship


Height, gender, nationality or age are but a few of the many issues that surround Dana Salls. Height is a controversial topic for two reasons. The first is that when it comes to being tall or short one’s looks are often judged directly by their physical attributes. But the other reason for height discrimination is that height is often related to one’s aptitude for a certain occupation. Height has always been a part of the discrimination between occupations and it can be said that being tall is often considered an indicator of intelligence as much as it is of physical prowess.

Height or partner preference was another question that obsessed the American television show ‘American Idol.’ On this show, the contestants were usually separated into two different groups and the one who could match the shortest dress was given the job. Dana Salls came out tops in both categories winning the first two episodes of the show. But the fame was not yet complete for the thirty-two-year-old as she was soon signed off to do some fashion shoots and shopping tours. But despite these setbacks, Dana still holds the number one position in the American Idol’s crown with over sixty percent of the vote.

Height, nationality or age may seem to be issues of the past, but they have certainly not gone away. Heightism is still prevalent as people try to fit in with those who look much taller than they are. For example, many children grow up believing that they are going to grow to be tall like their parents. In fact, a lot of parents even encourage this belief which leads to them growing even taller than they actually are. In addition to this height consciousness, there are those who might not be content with their height but are willing to live with the fact just so that they won’t be ridiculed for it in their everyday lives.
