Growing Up Tall โ€“ Isabel Nolte


It is often said that some people are blessed with an unusual height and others are not. Isabel Nolte is one of those blessed people, having been born in Rio de Janeiro. She grew up wanting to be a tennis star, but her height prevented this from happening. However, she is now a professional figure skater, which is both a dream and a profession. Her professional career started when she was fifteen years old, winning the first of her five national championships at the tender age of sixteen.

Isabelโ€™s success is not surprising, given the fact that her father, Carlos, was a professional bodybuilder. He found his passion for bodybuilding after watching his daughter succeed at something that was most likely seen as uncharted waters for women. In fact, few could have predicted that their daughter would go on to become a world-renowned figure skater, with almost fifty percent of the vote.

What makes this story interesting is that Isabel has now decided to use her fame to help women everywhere. She has formed her own foundation called the Height Plus and is helping women who are considered short, but who still want to excel in sports. Her website states that her aim is not to gain height, but to help women realize that they have plenty of options outside of being short. Her website is set up to provide information on the benefits of being tall, as well as providing tips on how to achieve the height you desire. While it is interesting to hear that her father was a big bodybuilder, it is also refreshing to know that her own experiences have inspired her to use her height to benefit other women, instead of exploiting her natural shortness.
