Growing Taller – How Does Natasha Diddee Use Her Height Difference to Her Advantage?


Natasha Diddee is an award winning actress, known for her roles in movies such as Nasty Baby and The Performer. She has also gained international recognition for her work as a model and singer. Ms. Diddee is originally from Barbados and has said that her homeland is like “a little country inside the UK”. In her teens, she became interested in theatre and gradually developed an interest in performing.

It was not until her late twenties that she finally decided to pursue a career in acting and went to drama school in London, attending the prestigious Royal Academy of Arts. However, while studying, she was plagued by the fact that she had a height difference – she was listed as being over six feet and was considered extremely tall for her time. When considering a profession as an actress, it is important to be aware that many directors and casting directors do not feel height is a determining factor when choosing to cast someone. This, of course, would leave the door wide open for Ms. Diddee to potentially is cast as a love interest or the love interest of a lead character in a movie who may have a physical shortcoming (such as a short height difference) or be otherwise unattractive to look at (such as having large breasts).

At the age of 32, Ms. Diddee began dating someone in the same profession as her, a director. However, when the relationship progressed, it did not take long for them to realize there was much more to their relationship than a short height difference. They were married in 2021. Shortly after their marriage, Ms. Diddee began working on a movie script that required her to change her appearance to look more “normal” – a process which led to her undergoing cosmetic surgery in order to achieve the desired effect. It is clear that in order to succeed in a highly competitive profession, it is important for actors with a height difference to look into methods of naturally increasing their height.
