Growing fame and international fame


Many people in the world, especially those who have a nationality of nationality where China belongs, are familiar with the name Dana Chanel, especially after she came out with her famous book “The Women Who Made Me. The Choice” in 1963. Her works have gone through various controversies and many of them have been on display in museums all over the world including the “Masters of Contemporary Art in Paris” in France. She has also won for “Painter of Malibu” a number of times. Her fame has not gone unnoticed by Chinese people who want to be models.

For people who are wishing to become a model and wish to make a name in this field, it is important to be knowledgeable about the different kinds of profession that exists in this field. Chanel is a great name that will always linger in the minds of the public as long as there is a profession like this. But before she started to be famous, she started her career as a model.

After her association with fashion designing, she became interested in the area of nutrition and started to write books on the subject, which led to the establishment of her own nutritionist nutrition business. And, after she had achieved a high level of success in this field, she decided to explore the area of height promotion and she discovered that people in countries such as China and Russia have low height norm. Her curiosity compelled her to go on a global study trip to Russia and China, which led to the formation of Chanel International in the late nineteen sixties.
