Grow Taller Today With the Help of Violeta Ikari


Violeta Ikari is a Japanese actress, dancer and model. She was born in Ayurvedic, India and is half British and half Indonesian. As a child she was very often found by her family playing with dolls, acting, singing and caring for animals, which is evident in her later performances as an actress and dancer. While growing up in Indonesia, she appeared in the films “Lawrence of Arabia” and “Babylon Sisters”. After her educational training in theater, she went to the Tokyo University to study art, specifically sculpture, but did not enjoy it, as it was not what she enjoyed doing.

Violeta then enrolled in the Art Institute of San Diego, where she pursued modeling. It was here that she would meet her now husband Masashi Yamazaki, who knew she had talent in the modeling field and encouraged her to pursue it further. Together they had two children, a son named Michael and a daughter named Amber, and grew and gained a lot of weight. Because she had not followed a dietary plan, when her weight increased, her joints became stiff and she developed osteoporosis.

After much research and hard work, Violeta decided to join the gym to work out more and focus on strength training, in order to help her height increase. She worked out with a few other individuals, but was not getting the results she wanted so she quit and joined a nutrition and fitness program run by her friend, Koike Watanabe, in Los Angeles. Mr. Watanabe saw promise in Violeta and encouraged her to continue working with him, which led her to become a member of his Reiki master’s program where she attended classes seven days per week.
