Grow Taller – How to Enhance Your Height


Violeta Aguirre was born in Uruguay. The National Association of Beauty and Hair stylists is accredited by the American Board of Hairdressers and holds a national certification with the ABHD. As an individual with an English nationality, Violeta has a right to work in any career that she chooses even if it is not necessarily connected to beauty. As a beauty stylist, Violeta’s choice to express her love for fashion and hair styles through her writing makes her an ideal candidate to write about the subject. Her articles are informative and articulate the various aspects of height for both men and women.

Violeta’s articles are designed to inform readers about how to maintain personal and public relations while working in the field of fashion. She shares the opinions of other stylists as well as other members from the profession on their views on the subject matter. Through this article, one can learn about the variety of hair styles ranging from short to long hair and the different measures that need to be taken during different stages of growth. The articles provide information that is relevant to a woman’s professional life.

The articles include a glossary of terms used commonly by readers as well as a glossary of popular hair terms used by stylists. They also include a number of illustrations and images. Most articles contain bibliography that includes references and links for further reading. Additional information regarding hair and height can be found in the site’s message boards. New articles are added on a regular basis.
