Global Trends and Fashion


Global Trends and Fashion

The recent global trends and fashion world have created many opportunities for young people who are able to identify with this new type of fashion. With global fashion trends such as the Versace sunglasses and Gucci handbags, young people can now afford to look fashionable while still sporting the same clothing they have always worn. There is no longer a need to try to match every piece of clothing in one’s closet simply because of the global trend of fashion.

The global trend of fashion has created more opportunity for businesses to create new products that will fit into these ever-changing times. One business that has used this trend to its advantage is Apple. The corporation has released many new products that use cloth as their material instead of plastic. Because of this new material, the corporation has been able to reduce the amount of resources that are needed for manufacturing their clothing line. Because of the reduction in resources, the corporation has been able to increase the profit that they make from each product.

While it is important to pay close attention to these global trends and fashion, young people must also realize that there are many disadvantages to not being fashionable. Many teenagers have been hospitalized due to diseases that have resulted from wearing inappropriate clothing. By not wearing the correct fashion, the possibility of contracting a disease is increased significantly. While global trends and fashion may create an advantage, it is important to be careful of its perils before one begins to dress according to the trend.
