Giulia Pintus


Giulia Pintus is a professional thief and currently on the run for her life. She has been given a name which connotes the extreme of her crimes, a name which, unfortunately, means that she can never be free again. The authorities suspect her of being, in fact, a German national, given birth by an illegal immigrant. And they are also quite certain that she murdered her lover with a gun given to her by her then-pregnant partner, who had wanted to get out of the marriage as early as possible.

If this is confirmed, Pintus will be held responsible for the death of her lover, as well as for the death of their unborn baby. Pintus’ parents have named her “Giancarlo” in memory of his wife. However, news reports indicate that Giulia Pintus was born in Passau, where Giancarlo was born (according to some sources), and is half Italian, half Polish. Pintus wears a short-sleeved blouse, which is emblazoned with a large blue lioness’s face with the words “GIulia, si sospetto” (“I’m Giancarlo, I live in Paris”) and a red cross on her right shoulder. She is about forty years old.

Some sources note that Pintus was adopted as a child by Germans, but others claim that she was actually born in Poland. Regardless of her true nationality, it is known that she was educated at a French-speaking university and worked as a translator for several publishing houses before she decided to become a thief. It is also known that she renounced her citizenship when she began working for organized crime in Paris. The most concrete piece of evidence linking her to nationality is her true identity as the serial number for a gun she was found carrying matched that of a weapon used in the murder of another woman in her apartment. If you’re interested in this intriguing case, the Internet provides a wealth of information.
