Giulia Cali is a name that has long been associated with the art of fashion. A contemporary artist, her works can be found on canvas as well as in fine museums all over Europe and North America. She has also worked with renowned designers such as Yves Saint Laurent, Pierre Cardin, Christoph Niemann, and others. Giulia Caliโs works focus on topics such as beauty, gender, youth, and identity and are often meant to stimulate and awaken the imagination.
The most common subjects that Giulia Cali uses are youth, gender, ethnicity, and body image. Her paintings address issues such as body image and youth in an expressive way that many other artists may not be able to do. This is because, at the same time, she is very aware of her own identity issues as she strives to make art that many people will find appealing and enjoyable. In many ways, she reminds us that beauty is always in the eye of the beholder, and each person should be free to choose what they find attractive in each individual subject.
Giulia Caliโs works have been shown extensively in galleries and exhibits and have won many awards, including the Prix de la Plage in Paris and the Prix Gestion Francaise in Rome. She has also exhibited her work frequently at various contemporary art exhibitions and private art shows throughout Europe and the United States. Her work often received international acclaim, with many different award-winning paintings having been created while working in her studio. As she is still relatively unknown outside Europe, we can only imagine the impact that her work would have upon the art world if she had chosen to pursue a career in this field of art and design.