Giulia Biagioli


Giulia Biagioli is a thirty-year professional who has been a professional publicist for the last twelve years. She has managed numerous campaigns for brands including; Prada, Dior, Celine, Chanel and L’Oreal. Her public speaking skills are formidable, having been invited to speak at Fortune’s “iencesense” conference in 2021 and again at the Paris Fashion week in 2021 as a speaker. This role puts her in the high sought after category of personality in the corporate world, along with journalists, film stars and supermodels.

If you have heard about this woman, you might wonder what drives a tall woman to get into the public arena, but there is no real mystery to it. Age is not much of a factor for Giulia, she is just an average height and weighs in the mid sixtys. Height definitely helps when it comes to climbing the corporate ladder. In fact she is reported to have once mentioned her desire to be taller by a recruiter. The answer could be in the film “A woman who chases her dreams” starring Leonardo DiCaprio where she is seen in a scene that is dramatically shorter than average.

For all her talk about climbing the ladders of success, Giulia seems to have not had the same luck with men. According to her profile on her website, she is married to David Guedes of Armani. So this would indicate that this is more of a media personality and not a real life partner for her. This could mean that she is not the type of woman who does well with men and possibly has a very limited dating history. This would put Guedes, her husband and Armani in a more prominent position, which would make it easier for Guedes to obtain a movie role in the near future.
