Giulia Bets on Nationality When Buying Partners


Giulia Bets is an entrepreneur, a mother of three, and the founder of Giardini and Associates. As a professional who has served the nation’s top executives, she has seen both the good and bad side of the business world and knows how to tell what a company stands for and what it does not. This is evident in her recent book, “The Insider’s Guide to Age,” which she self-published in 2021. A New York Times best seller, the book discusses her research on how to spot a faker, a scammer, and a con artist from the “inside.”

In her introduction, Bets reveals her secret to making fast money: “The key to running a great company is getting in early, staying in late, and being able to say no at important moments… Companies that do those things are usually the ones with the most successful long-term histories.” That’s a wise lesson to learn as many business owners don’t seem to learn it in their vaunted business schools, and thus struggle with maintaining their companies while they fail to attract the right partners and customers. As a former franchise founder and consultant, Giulia Bets should be able to help other business owners avoid these pitfalls, and thus help her old-school friends who want to get into franchising while learning the best practices from her experiences.

The final chapter of the book covers nationality when it comes to hiring partners for your company. While it’s possible to find a compatible partner from any nationality, certain nationalities attract certain business types. For example, Italian and German companies often go together because both parties value quality and creativity, and have a passion for giving people access to products made from Italy or Germany. It would make sense for Giulia Bets to touch on this topic in her next book, as it shows the importance of choosing a nationality wisely, and not just nationality itself.
