Gen Y Fashion Trends


Gen Y fashion trends can be understood through the lenses of media and popular culture. Fashion is just like life as we know it. Fashion statements by Gen Y may include things such as wearing baggy jeans to “save gas”; this is a ridiculous fashion trend that does not speak of comfort but rather shows that the wearer does not have the money or inclination to purchase designer clothing. Gen Y fashion trends may also include people who have a sense of humor such as having pictures of their cats with zits on them.

Gen Y has a sense of humor, therefore, many will follow fashion trends that are amusing or funny in nature. In fact, many have an image of Gen Y as lazy, carefree, and incapable of following directions, but that is part of their charm. We all know that Gen Y has a large number of cultural gaps that must be bridged in order to be a successful generation. One way to do this is to use clothing and accessories that make a statement while still remaining comfortable.

This does not mean that all fashion trends are for the young, for instance, if a lady is wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt she will look “stuck-up”, however, it does show that she is no dummy for asking, “What’s your secret? My parents know!” No matter what your age, if you are interested in fashion and the latest fashions there are many magazines and websites that you can subscribe to that keep you informed. Fashion is a big part of Gen Y and whether the fashion is cool or crazy, if you love it, then you are part of the younger generation that really makes America a great country. Happy New Year’s!
