Fundraising for the Homeless – Make a Difference With a Sock Drive


A sock drive is a popular way for organizations to raise funds for their projects. The concept of a sock drive is simple: individuals who don’t have the money to buy new clothes or other items wear worn by those in their community. Each week, the organizers of a local group to drive up to five hundred women and men and offer to buy whatever they can that the individual wouldn’t ordinarily have been able to buy. For instance, if a group were raising funds to assist women in a particular town, they might give away twenty dollars’ worth of socks to each male and female on the town streets for each week.

Your church, school, organization, club, or group of other friends can help out by sponsoring an annual sock drive by holding an event to raise funds for the homeless. Simply define a time period during which individuals are encouraged to buy some new clothes and donate them directly to the homeless. You can also donate the socks you buy directly to a thrift store, as long as you contact the store before hand and make arrangements to pick them up. In this way, your church or school will be helping out, while also making a significant contribution to the community. People who receive socks from your organization will definitely appreciate the extra cash.

Don’t just stop at donating clothes. You can also set up a fundraising drive by selling handmade soap, candles, recycled toys, or yard items. You can have fun having a contest to see who gives away the most. If possible, you can set up booths at local events to display the items that sell the best. You can also hold a charity auction featuring items donated by your group.
