Francisca Ignacia, the Age of Reason


In the year 1534, Ignacia came from Galves to Spain with the intention of founding a monastery and later converting it into a monastery dedicated to St. Francis of Assissi. She brought with her all the skills she knew how to develop into a successful personality and also gave herself completely to the Lord. Francisca was given the task of making the first congregation and as she did so, she had to find people whom she could admire and eventually convert into her religious order. Ignacia’s conversion and dedication to her new religion did not go unnoticed and in 1540 she was put in charge of the parish where she lived and worked, Francisca Ignacia was revered as a” painless” (a woman saint) for her achievements in this area. She was also known as the patron saint of nurses since she gave up everything to work for the Lord and was successful in converting many Spanish nationalities into the beloved friars.

Fraternity is a title that was given to Ignacia by God the Creator, who knew her to be the one who would accomplish most outstanding deeds in her chosen profession. The friars are ruled by a Pope or a Superior General, who represents the Pope in all his works in the community, as opposed to a Bishop who is elected by the people. This hierarchy is based on the religious vows that the members of this profession take and uphold. Once a member of this profession is elevated to the rank of “saint”, he or she can no longer be considered as a lay person, but must necessarily take upon the role of a priest.

Fraternity has a lot of characteristics that define and separate it from other religious orders in the regular clergy. First, the friars are never allowed to marry or have children because of their vow of celibacy. Second, they cannot hold public office or hold any public position in the society. They can only perform the tasks required of them by their superior, which includes visiting the sick and the imprisoned, giving counsel to the penitent, and indulging him or her in the church premises or elsewhere, if he or she is permitted to do so. Lastly, they are not allowed to preach against the Faith, since that is part of their work.
