Francesca Torzo – Height and Nationality


Francesca Torzo is an Italian National who has been an acting since she was a teenager and later on became actresses. She is one of the youngest actresses to get started in the acting industry when she was casted in “A Midsummer’s Night Dream” in 1994, where she played the role of Agatha Christie. Since then, she had roles in more than fifty films and did not miss out on being nominated for an Academy Award for her role as Miss Daisy in “The Deerhunter”, which was later made into a movie of the same title.

It has been said that she might have been chosen to play the character of Francesca if she was Italian rather than Italian and British. She is tall and stands at 6′ 2″ which is quite an imposing figure for any woman and that is what makes her most admirable as an actor. Her height also translates to a body toned and well defined, which is important in an actor as it accentuates your character’s personality and persona which in turn draws the viewer in. In this profession where an actor has to be convincing and believable to be believable in their characters, having a naturally good figure is certainly what makes Francesca Torzo an actor worth knowing.

Another attribute of hers that makes her an actor is that she has the physique of someone who could easily posses an Italian nationality as she was born in Turin, Italy. Francesca has always denied that she ever considered her nationality to be Italian. Regardless of whether she never considered her nationality to be Italian or not, it does not change the fact that she was Italian and it would be very easy to use her height and nationality to her advantage in her career. Having an Italian nationality would not only make her look good but it would have also made her more convincing and realistic as an actor because of the simple fact that she carries herself with poise and confidence, which are hallmarks of an excellent actor.
