Francesca Thyssen Bornemisza


Francesca Thyssen-bornemisza was an artistic partner of Count Dracula. However, they were torn apart when he castrated her. Her paintings were all destroyed in a fire, supposedly set off by an angry mob as she tried to hide from him. In her books, she portrayed him as a monster and even wrote about his affair with the Catholic Church.

Francesca Thyssen-bornemisza, previously Francesca Von Habsburg, is currently an art dealer. She is the former mistress of Count Dracula, former wife of Von Habsburg, and the mother of his four children, Lucy, Adelaide, grid and Mabelle. As an artwork dealer, she mostly sells Catholic artists’ works. She has some of the most famous paintings of all time of the Virgin Mary, Saints, Jesus and several artists of Renaissance Spain.

Her best-known painting is The Madonna and Child with many interpretations. The name of the painting is a reference to the Virgin Mary’s most famous painting, The Madonna and Child With Two Angels. According to tradition, the Virgin Mary and the Angel Gabriel were seen by the Madonna and child on twelve separate occasions while she was pregnant. This is why the painting has such a contextual relevance and is often used in religious contexts. Other interpretations of this masterpiece are that the Virgin Mary and the angel Gabriel are symbols of Christianity’s three main pre salvation figures – God, religion and the Church.
