Francesca Policastro – Age Defying Celebrity


Ms Francesca Policastro is the latest celebrity personality to fall in love with a German national. She was snapped by photographers outside her hotel in Germany, looking remarkably pleased with herself as she held her new German partner. The news of Francesca’s relationship with Patrick caused much confusion in the Italian press and even in the National News. Francesca is thirty-one years old and is known by her real name Francesco Paolo and she is registered at Knutsford, North London.

Mr Patrick Siemann, a businessman was introduced to Francesca by her brother Michael who introduced them on a blind date. Mr Siemann proposed marriage on the spot but Francesca declined saying that she needed time to think about it. In the past three months, Francesca has changed her mind and now wants to marry Mr Siemann. A few weeks ago Francesca posted on her Facebook page that she was looking forward to a long and happy marriage with her German partner.

Ms Francesca has not hidden her love for Germany and once told an interviewer, “I would sleep with a German.” The question asked why? She said that there were no stereotypes when it came to relationships with Germans and people do not talk about such things. This is odd because Francesca has always boasted about her height and looks and yet she is now planning to marry a German. She has accepted the fact that being tall will come with its disadvantages in a marriage relationship and has accepted the fact that her height will not prevent her from loving and being happy in a German marriage.
