Francesca Brandina – Age-Defiance Personality matched With International Professionality


Francesca Brandina is a tall Sicilian lady with an international outlook, who lives in London, England. She works as a consultant and lives a rather less hectic life in a cottage in Wiltshire. Francesca Brandina is an accomplished woman and holds a senior position at the prestigious Institute of Education, University of Cambridge. She is also a writer and teaches at Universities in London, Florence and Sussex. Francesca Brandina is married to an American and the family lives in New Jersey.

Francesca Brandina, herself, has a rather interesting background. She was brought up by her parents in Argentina and Spain and speaks several languages including Spanish, French and Italian. She has a younger brother from a previous marriage and is said to be rather close to him. She has never married and has remained a single parent by choice and has never married into a Spanish or Italian aristocracy.

Francesca Brandina’s international career started when she was an assistant to an anthropologist in Rome, Italy in the early 1950’s. In this role she gathered data on the life of street children in Rome. From this she developed her expertise on the subject of family structure, social class, nationality and race and came to believe that all were interlinked and had an effect on each other’s status. She went on to teach at the University of Rome for twelve years and then moved to the prestigious Institute of Education in Florence, Italy, where she became a professor. After retiring from the university she pursued her writing career, which has led to several books and articles. Francesca Brandina has never married and has no children.
