Francesca Archibugi – Nationality, Career, and Occupation


Francesca Archibugi has been cast as the main character, Nationality Rose, in the upcoming movie adaptation of Roald Dahl’s story about a young woman from Trinidad, England called Helen Geddes. Archibugi has previously worked as an assistant to Delphine Saks and has written a number of screenplays, including one for the legendary Richard Eyre, whose life and art are depicted in the film. She has also done some work for the Royal Shakespeare Corporation and it appears that her experience with the theatre is what helped to give her the script for the Nationality Rose. She will play Rose, a thirty-one-year-old woman from Trinidad, who becomes a British citizen by the name of Rose.

Archibugi’s other credits include the movies “The Secret”, “Trinity”, “Miles Ahead”, and “Afterlife”. She has also worked as a stage actress and has been nominated five times for a Theatre World Award. In between her many acting credits, she has worked as a producer on television programs such as “Who’s The Boss” and “Runway USA”. Her career as an actress is littered with failures but she did have an award-winning role in the film “Amadeus” so her resume is filled with achievements.

Archibugi has played different types of characters throughout her career. Her first two roles were as an Italian American in the film “Amadeus” and as a nurse in the movie “Trinity” where she played a Latina. It is interesting that her nationality, being Italian, is never brought up as an aspect of her character in either of those films, and it is one of the sacrifices that actresses make in order to be successful in Hollywood.
