Francesca Andrea – The Height of Celebrity


Recently the world has been introduced to Francesca Andrea, a famous Italian actress and model. She is thirty-six years old and professionally known for her tall height, cleavage, and an hour glass figure. Francesca is married to director Luciano Di Meo, and the two wed in 2021. She is currently starring in the movie “A Woman’s Exorcism” in which she plays the role of the possessed child. Francesca is described as having an Italian-football-shaped body and stands at 5′ 7″. Francesca is not related to me or Atkins, the other two leading characters from the film.

According to the descriptions of her family, Francesca was supposed to be the physical embodiment of holy mother – Virgin Mary. It was said that she was so beautiful that even the angels in heaven loved her. People believe that Francesca was also the incarnation of St. Valentine, as both are holy and possess a feminine aspect. Aside from that, her famous father was said to have died in a car accident, thus bringing forth the fact that she was supposedly laid to rest with her son.

As it turns out, Francesca was born in Genoa, Italy, the capital city of Tuscany. Her birth date is inscribed on the wall of St. Vitus’ Cathedral, near the altar where she was supposedly buried. Some say she was born in Naples while others say she was in Genoa, but most say that she was actually born in Palermo. Francesca’s life and career are characterized by extremes of beauty, and she has been married to different men throughout her life. Today, she is best known for playing the character of Mrs. Vii in the movie “A Woman’s Exorcism”.
