Fingernail Fashion Trends


It seems that every year there is a new trend in the world of fingernail fashion. The next big thing may come out in January and it could be a whole new look! Trends come and go, but fingernail fashion trends are here to stay for at least another year. I mean just look at what women are wearing with their fingernails right now.

Some people have opinions on what makes a great looking set of fingernail, but the truth is that everyone does it differently. What may look good on someone may not look that great on someone else, or vice versa. If you are someone who has a lot of thick hair and you wear gel, and you put it on your nails, then other people will think you’re a punk. If you have thin hair and you wear straight, then you could be considered not so stylish.

One of the biggest reasons that fingernail fashion trends come and go is the clothing manufacturers. A year ago it was all about blue jeans, this year it looks like women have toned muscles in their legs. It all depends on the clothing manufacturers and if they want to make a statement. They do this every year with all the clothing lines.
