Filipino Fashion Trends 2021


Filipino Fashion Trends 2021

Since the new decade, Filipino women have been flocking to international fashion shows and participating in international fashion competitions. This is because of the ever-increasing popularity of the Filipina as a model and endorser of international brands. Even though it may seem like the Philippines is not as fashionable as China or India, there are still many ways for Filipino women to be fashionable and have their say in promoting the beauty and culture of their people through fashion. Here are some of the Filipino fashion trends you should know.

Filipino women and men (and even international men and women) have gradually adopted European styles and clothing. Most foreign designers and brands have started offering clothing and accessories with touches of the Philippines. It’s no longer shocking when you see Europeans dressing like Filipinos. This has become quite normal especially to those who love the Western culture but want to learn about its history and culture. Learning about how Europeans dress and the impact it had on the way they carry themselves and their fashion choices helps you appreciate the values that Filipinos have when it comes to fashion.

The other trend that you should know about is the “tradition” element of Filipino fashion. Yes, tradition. Traditions have always shaped and determined the uniqueness of every country, culture and lifestyle. Because of the diversity of the Philippine people, their traditions are diverse and not just limited to clothes, jewelry or even their choice of dwelling place. Thus, instead of just copying and adopting Western fashion trends, the Philippines can now very well evolve into a fashionable nation and fashionable people. Let’s get one thing straight: Every Filipino is unique and that will never change because everybody is still unique even if they have similarities to each other.
