Fernanda Valdivia – The Height Difference


Fernanda Valdivia is a young entrepreneur who started her career as an assistant to the famous painter, Aleksandr Pushkin. When Pushkin died in 1994, she started her own painting business and managed to enter into the hall of fame of Russian art. After that, she began a publishing company in which she has successfully launched many books about art and Russian culture. Her latest book is entitled “How to Understand the Russian Tradition”. This lady certainly knows how to attract attention to herself and her works as she has been featured on several occasions as the perfect accessory for Hollywood celebrities such as Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, and Britney Spears. However, is Fernanda really all she is cracked up to be?

Fernanda has always described herself as an artist but it seems that this artist has not been too keen in the last few years to show off her work. She has been married to a well-known musician, Anton Shostrevich, for the last seven years and they have a son called Alex. But in spite of her stunning career, in most pictures she appears quite boring, as if she was more interested in her role as a wife and mother than in trying to become a leading Russian contemporary artist. A lot of her paintings also seem to be mass produced, which only serves to underline the point that even though she has a talent for art, she has not been able to produce anything fresh. This makes her seem more like a career woman who has chosen to work in a rather deadening job role rather than a talented Russian contemporary artist.

It is probably fair to say that Fernanda is not the best choice as a partner for a highly creative woman such as a Cannes Film Festival director or someone with a similar vision who wants to express his/her ideas in full color and high detail. On the other hand, there are many women who do not possess the talents of creativity as a highly successful artist such as Fernanda and who are perfectly happy to take on a role as a partner with someone who has more ability. It seems to be a case of ‘all is good’ with this beautiful woman who has raised a family over the past few years. The question then is whether she would be better off as a Russian contemporary artist or as a wife and mother who works in a French restaurant.
