Fernanda Prado – A Portrait


Fernanda Prado is a sculptural and decorative artist that has been born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Her exceptional talent for art came at a very young age as she spent much of her early years living and excelling in the arts. She has become well known and appreciated not only for her notable physique but also for her colorful and distinctive styles of art. Fernanda prides herself on the beauty of her natural looks and blends these with a bold sense of style and personality to create her wonderful designs. Fernanda prides herself on being Brazilian and acknowledges that her nationality is what makes her uniquely attractive.

Fernanda Prado first gained interest in art when she was a young girl growing up in Rio de Janeiro. She was deeply influenced by the styles of the time such as Cubism, Minimalism and Fauvism, though her interests soon diverged as she grew older. It was not until she was in her twenties that she truly began to explore and develop her own style. It was during this period where Fernanda found her true partner in life, a man named Roberto Cavalli de Lima. While it was not exactly love at first sight, the two became lovers who were devoted to one another and who pursued different artistic interests.

Throughout her early years in photography Fernanda learned about the different cultures and nationalities of other people by spending long periods of time abroad studying different art forms. She would also spend considerable amounts of time reading literature from all over the world in order to understand the different characters that occupied those nations. It was from this period in her life that she truly began to understand the differences between her culture and that of her husband, who was originally from Portugal. During this time, Fernanda began to build a strong dislike for her husband. As the years went by the lack of communication and understanding between the two became more apparent as the couple never discussed their feelings or problems.
