Fernanda Melchionna e Silva represents the State of Rio Grande do Sul in the National Assembly. She is also a former banking regulator and former director of the Brazilian Association of Banks. She was appointed by the current government of Brazil to be the chair of the board of the National Accounts Commission (NCA). She has also served previously as the coordinator of the Brazilian Anti-Money laundering and Cyber-offshore Regulating Authority (CAFCE).
Fernanda Melchionna is a Brazilian national and as such enjoys a high profile position as an elected official in her area of expertise. Prior to her appointment as a member of the National Accounts Commission, she was a vice-minister in charge of the Ministry of Justice. As such, it is expected that her contributions to the administration of her ministry will be focused on the improvement of the country’s standing in international forums, particularly with respect to combating financial crime. Additionally, her professional background as a bank regulator will provide her with the knowledge and experience necessary for the position of Chair of the National Accounts Commission.
Fernanda Melchionni is a height difference between the first lady of Brazil, as well as her spouse, which are 6 ft., which is considered a national advantage in Brazil. This may explain why she has been put in this position. But it is important to remember that Brazil does have a diverse population, which may impact on the way in which certain members of the governing body are perceived and treated by the public at large. It remains to be seen what impact, if any, Fernanda Melchionni will have on the image of the government, given that she is a woman of color in an often very gender biased country. Regardless, of the effect Fernanda Melchionni may have on the image of Brazil as a whole, the new President of Brazil clearly owes her achievements to her height difference, as well as her professional credentials. Whether her role as the first lady will enhance or undermine Brazil’s standing remains to be seen.