Fernanda Gonzales Was Born in Mexico but She Is a US Citizen, She Is Passionate About Justice, news and Giving Back


Fernanda Gonzales is the perfect example of how a certain type of woman should act. She is the epitome of a good, strong woman, who has the strength of character to be with a man for the rest of her days. Fernanda Gonzales is the mother of a great-grandmother who survived the Peruvian witch trials of the 1970’s and came to live in the United States. She is a highly respected member of her community and is a very accomplished lawyer and academic professional. She has dedicated her whole life to her country, her family and to advancing human rights.

Fernanda has a legal certificate from the University of San Diego, specializing in International Law and Immigration Law. However, her real educational qualifications are more than just a degree. She has also spent many years working as an attorney in various capacities, specializing in human rights and immigration laws, criminal law, family law and even as a prosecutor with the Office of the Attorney General of Texas. During her time as an attorney, Fernanda has handled some of the most complex cases that involve nationalities, cultures and sexual orientations. In these cases, she has used her knowledge, skills and experience to ensure that the client was protected. As a prosecutor, she successfully won two cases involving opponents of the Morales government that were tried on charges of spying for Peru’s original government.

Fernanda is also proud of the fact that all seven of her children are American citizens by birth, as all seven of her grandparents were also American citizens by birth. Her love for her country and her devotion to advancing human rights are expressed eloquently in the legal works that she has written and published. As a legal practitioner, Fernanda has successfully won cases of discrimination and harassment on the basis of national origin, gender, age and sexual orientation. All her cases are based on the premise that all persons have equal rights under the law regardless of their nationalities, race or sex. And in all her cases, she fights for the rights of those who are unjustly being discriminated.
