Fernanda Curto is Brazilian Nationality


Fernanda Curto is a Brazilian National, the highest ranked in the profession and title of “Head of State”. She has held many national and international titles such as: President of the Republic, the first lady of Southeastern Brazil (state), and is currently the President of the Republic of Brazil. She was born in Belem, Southeastern Brazil, to parents who were both teachers. At the age of 19, she went to study law at the University of Ribas in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. After graduation, she moved to Rio where she worked with the Attorney General of Rio de Janeiro, before moving back to her native country, Brazil where she practiced law for 25 years before retiring from practicing.

Fernanda Curto is described by her family, friends, colleagues and lovers as someone with high intelligence, an intellectual and romantic outlook, who is very caring and dedicated to her children. Her greatest attribute is her height, which is 5 feet 11 inches. As Fernanda grew older, her height decreased while her partner did not. Fernanda maintains that this is because her career was much more demanding than her personal life. Today, Fernanda is a senior citizen in her sixties. She is described as extremely humble and loving and has no complaints about her health, even though she is bedridden due to emphysema.

Fernanda Curto has lived all her life in Brazil, which makes her claim to be Brazilian Nationality, even though her birth country is not in the Brazilian Nationality category. In fact, it is the country where the famous writer Aldo Leopold was born. Fernanda Curto’s family migrated to Brazil at the time when her father developed a heart ailment that left him paralysed. He never recovered from this loss of physical freedom, and Fernanda would spend her early years in poverty, working as a child in order to support her young family. This humble background, coupled with her intelligence and passion for writing, has made Fernanda Curto a respected personality throughout the ages, and she is presently an internationally renowned writer.
