Fashioning Her Image


Born in England, Caroline George was raised and brought up in Wales, Scotland and Ireland. She studied painting at the Royal College of Art in London, but after this, she concentrated most of her efforts on developing her own style, which centered on the relationship between a man and woman. After years of fine art work, she also decided to pursue a career as a writer, and it was then that her world would change forever. As she went on to write successful novels and screenplays, her profile continued to grow and she became one of the most popular faces on television, even hosting her own talk show.

In order to follow a career path that was not based solely on her height, however, Caroline George had to make some changes in order to be able to practice her chosen profession. First, she had to give up her British citizenship, which had previously been granted to her by her mother when she was five. In addition, she also had to give up her membership of the IRA, which had considered her family members to be traitors for collaborating with the British during the war. Following these two major factors, she pursued an architecture degree at King’s College, University of London, where she honed her drawing skills and studied interior design, painting and printmaking. At the same time, she began to devise different ways to display her work.

It was whilst she was studying in the RADA that she began to realise that her height might actually hinder her success as a designer. She considered the experience of being slightly shorter than her peers a hindrance due to the fact that this would mean she had to work harder in order to keep up with them. This, in turn, resulted in her becoming increasingly self-conscious about her physical appearance, which, in turn, prevented her from developing a great deal of confidence in her work. In order to overcome her fears, she decided to consult with a hair consultant and asked him to create a ‘hairspray’ for her, which was designed to hide her unwanted hair and which could be applied in a number of different methods. This was not only a great means of covering up her physical features, but it was also an excellent means of boosting her self-confidence.
