Fashion Vs Trend – What is the Difference?


This is my blog about fashion vs trend, the difference between fashion and trends. Fashion is the power to make styles last forever. Trend lines are a wealth of information especially for buyers provides fashionable style names, style, season, sizes, pattern numbers and suggested retail markup prices. Fashion designers can work directly with the fashion houses to provide products to be made by the house or through a licensing agreement. A designer who wants to work with the house must have a formal contract.

There is another difference between fashion styles and trends. Trend lines usually focus on making clothes more fashionable. The best and cheapest way to get fashionable clothes is to copy the trends. A designer can also do a lot of damage to his reputation by getting in the way of fashion styles and trends. Fashion is all about originality and creativity.

A major difference between fashion styles and trends is whether a trend focuses on style or whether it focuses on being in trend. If the focus on style is more important to the person who is creating the fashion style than the person who is actually wearing the style, then the trend may be considered unisex. But if the focus on the clothing item is not so much on how it looks but on whether it is comfortable to wear then the style would be considered a fashion style vs fashion style.
