Fashion Trends in the Early to Mid 1975’s


Fashion Trends in the Early to Mid 1975’s

Fashion is always changing, but in the early to mid 1975 fashion trends were quite different. This period of time was a period when there was not much of interest in what women wore because it was just for men. Women chose clothing according to which they felt comfortable and fashionable. This was a time that was full of experimentation with materials and colors, as well as the fashion movements of women who were experimenting with the boundaries of what was socially acceptable.

After this period fashion seemed to focus more on the idea of beauty. It was no longer considered appropriate for a woman to wear clothing that revealed too much flesh, or to wear clothing that had plenty of frills and sparkle. Clothing of this era showed great attention to detail and clothing was no longer simply for being worn, but also to be displayed. Designers saw that now, a woman’s clothing could speak a million words and were no longer restricted by what was deemed “sexy”.

Fashion trends in the early to mid 1975’s were made up of designers that were making bold statements with new combinations of colors and prints. The fashion was a fusion of the sexes, with the skater girl looks of the early generation merging with the hippie, flower power looks of the later generation. The colors of this time period were bright and bold, and were also very different from what we know today. The color choices were rich and complex, as well as having a very unique sense of style and uniqueness. Today, fashion trends are much more subtle, allowing women to still express their personalities through the clothing they choose to wear.
