Fashion Trends Can Have Positive or Negative Effects on Society


Fashion Trends Can Have Positive or Negative Effects on Society

The Effects of Fashion Trends on Societies around the world are always considered positive by those who are in the know. Those who have an effect on our lifestyles can sometimes be considered negative or evil by some. This is because of ignorance. They do not know that the changes in fashion trends may often have a positive effect on society. Fashionable things do not necessarily destroy our civilization; rather they can contribute to it. Fashionable items often promote change, which can in turn contribute to societal change.

The Effects of Fashion Trends on Societies around the world can be considered positive if one is able to see the long-term effects of fashion trends on society. The changes in fashion industry are often considered bad, because some of the changes are negative for society such as sweatshops, child labor and low-paid labor, but if one sees the long-term effects of these trends like clean and comfortable clothes for all, less crime, healthier bodies and so on, then the effects of these trends can be positive. Sweatshops can produce wonderful clothing; however they also contribute to the negatives of sweatshops such as working too many hours for too little money. Child labor can be dangerous, but when children are dressed nicely and are properly fed and cared for, then it can contribute positively to society. Healthy diets can promote weight loss and being thin, but the diets can also promote healthy lives and can contribute positively to society.

When considering positive effects of fashion trends on societies, it is important to look at the negative effects of these trends as well. The negative effects of clothing styles like sweat-wicking materials, tight-fitting clothing that constricts the body and looks like a body bag and so on, contribute negatively to the appearance of obesity. This is not only a health issue but an issue of vanity as well. So while looking at the positive effects of clothing styles such as low-rise jeans, stretch pants, organic t-shirts and so on, we must also look at the negative effects such as unhealthy looks, obesity and vanity.
