“Fashion Trend” Books by Carson Watson


“Fashion Trend” Books by Carson Watson

“Fashion Trend” by Carson Watson is the latest in a long line of Carson’s books that have sold millions of copies. This latest book, though not nearly as detailed and well organized as his other books, still makes a great reference text on how to keep up with the latest fashion trends. Some of the topics covered in this text include: – How and Why Fashion Trends Are formed, What Dresses and Costumes Look Good on Different People (including what dress shirt to wear with what pants or skirt to wear with what blouse), What Does Fashion Actually Mean, What Is the “New Age”?

Some of the fashion trends and style advice covered in “Fashion Trend” include: How to spot a fad, how and why shoes, belts, and accessories change their looks, the different kinds of make-up that go along with each season, what types of clothes people are wearing that make a fashion statement, and a lot more. The book even includes photos showing what items to look best with what accessories. I especially like how the author tells you to mix and match your pieces so you can keep the fashion theme going. There is a short chapter on taking care of your hair; I think it would be a wise suggestion for anyone who has ever suffered from a bad hair day. I also really like how she tells you to not be afraid to try on different things and to take pictures of yourself wearing them.

Though the book is only 140 pages, there is a lot of information to absorb and digest. In fact, after reading the book several times, I feel like I’ve known these fashion trends and styles for years! Of course, when I look back at the articles I’ve written about them, I realize that they were written many years ago, but I can never stop reliving the fashion trend that inspired those articles. Fashion, as Carson Watson says, is the way of life for some, so I’m happy that he’s taken the time to share his knowledge about fashion with us.
