Fashion Options For Beach Volleyball Socks


Fashion Options For Beach Volleyball Socks

The best sand volleyball socks are always those that don’t slip, are stylish and comfortable. This can often be a problem as many sand volleyball socks are very casual and don’t go with a lot of outfits. There’s no way to know if a pair of socks will work with your clothes unless you try them on in the dressing room. However this is where fashion comes into play. A pair of sandals or a nice pair of jeans is a great match for a pair of volleyball socks, although they shouldn’t clash.

Many of the more popular fashion styles for volleyball have been produced specifically to be worn with sandals. The high top sand volleyball socks generally come in several sizes to ensure a comfortable fit without rubbing. Some of the larger beach socks even have the Velcro on the back of the leg so you can easily adjust the fit as needed. Most other models don’t have the Velcro on the back but this can be very annoying especially when you need to take off sand from your socks quickly.

One of the most popular types of sand volleyball socks is the ones with the big flat front buttons down the front. These are usually made of a cotton/synthetic blend so your feet have a little more protection from friction than plain sand. A popular design for beach socks is the kind where the sock forms a V shape with the front button placed at the front of the ankle. These are usually made of a cotton/synthetic blend so your feet have a little more protection from friction than plain sand.
