Fashion and Diabetes


Many people have a preference for wearing cotton socks, but for those suffering from foot problems like lymphedema or chronic foot pain, it’s time to switch to fashion and consider wearing loose-fitting socks instead. Socks with no elastic are particularly dangerous for people with diabetes. Those with diabetes are more prone to edema, which causes swollen feet. This is where proper circulation is important for lowering swelling. So where does loose fitting socks fit into all of this?

Usually those with foot problems would avoid traditional socks, thinking that they will add to their problem. But if you choose to wear these, be sure that you get diabetic socks that fit well. The right type of fabric, cut, and sewn will allow your feet to breathe and stay healthy while helping to reduce swelling and keep your feet warm as well. Because these socks are meant to keep moisture away from the feet, many with foot problems choose to wear them even when doing activities that are cold, such as swimming and walking on snow or ice.

With some brands of diabetic socks there is an elastic band that runs around the entire leg, with a smaller band around the ankle and another band running under the top of the socks for stretch. These are usually labeled as long or short length, depending on the amount of stretch. When choosing a pair, make sure to try on both long and short length before making the decision. Be sure to look for one that has at least a half inch of stretch in the ankle area for your comfort. And always try on a pair of socks that feel good on your feet, so you don’t end up wearing ill-fitting diabetic socks.
