Fashion Accessories – Hats and Ladders


Hats and ladders are two of the most common accessories used in the world. For many cultures, these items represent freedom, adventure, tradition, creativity, and the rugged individual spirit. Although they come in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors, there are few people who don’t like at least one hat or ladder. Today fashion hats and ladders are used as decorative pieces as well as a functional accessory for practical needs, but for centuries hats and ladders were worn mainly for symbolic reasons.

In ancient times people would use such items to keep their heads from freezing during long winters, and to reach high places. The ancient Egyptians wore hats and ladders, as do many other cultures around the world. The Victorians also popularized hats and ladders, particularly the famous iron crown hat. Today the modern version is typically a replica of an older style or design. Hats and ladders make excellent gifts, and you can find a variety of different types and styles to suit any taste.

Fashion and function are interwoven together in this modern day world, and the combination of a great hat or ladder and a great outfit can bring out the best in any wardrobe. There is no other accessory that provides as much utility as a good hat or ladder. If you have trouble envisioning what you would wear with it, take a trip to your local fashion store and try on some outfits using a variety of different hats and ladders and see how you look before shopping or making a purchase.
