Famous Fashion Trends


While predicting famous fashion trends that originate only on the runway is certainly tumbling in futility most people do tend to look to celebrities, youth culture, nostalgia, street culture, and social media for major influence about what is cool and what is not. While this can be a valid form of popular perception in some cases celebrity fashions have been responsible for massive movements in fashion like the hip hop look or Britney Spears inspired looks. Celebrities are generally the first to take notice of major fashion trends which they often report on in interviews or simply just by looking out to see what the latest fashion buzz is. While most people would probably give these fashion gurus little credit for having any sort of influence on their own fashion sense, many are happy to see the trends the stars create and pass along to us.

One of the things that many critics of celebrity fashion say is that they have no real influence on the type of clothes that ordinary people wear. This is a rather ludicrous claim considering the huge influence celebrity fashion has on ordinary fashion. For example, it is impossible to see any of the stars of “The Hills” or” CSI” sporting the same pair of jeans that Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman sport in one of the most recent episodes. These fashion trends have become such a part of our culture that when we are stuck for ideas we simply turn to these stars for guidance. Even those who would normally consider themselves to be quite fashionable are shocked when they see someone else wearing the latest trend.

While there is certainly some truth to the fact that certain fashion trends are dictated more by the tastes of the general public than by the fashion industry does indeed play an important part in the way that we dress. For instance, designer clothing companies such as Gucci or Dior regularly create gowns and dresses that are specifically tailored to fit a particular body shape. In addition, many popular fashion designers offer lines of clothing for smaller sizes as well. Therefore, the fashion industry does play a part in the way that we dress, but it is largely the consumerism of the culture that dictates which trends will survive and which will not.
