Facts About Sofia Lama, Nationality: Peru


Sofia Lama is an accomplished actress of Japanese descent who has appeared in many popular television programs such as “Daria”, “Heroes”, “Touched by an Angel”, “How I Met Your Mother” and “The Perfect Score” among many others. Born in Peru, Sofia Lama was named after her father, a prominent political figure in the Peruvian government. Sofia grew up in Los Angeles, California where she pursued a career in show business before discovering her true vocation in acting. Sofia Lama received her first major break when she was cast as an additional character in the popular animated film The Princess and the Frog, playing the role of Tiana, a young girl who lives with a frog and a leopard. She went on to play the role of Ariel in the sequel of The Princess and the Frog, eventually earning her second Academy Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role.

Height: 5′ 7″ Weight: 112 lbs. Nationality: Hispanic

Sofia Lama is depicted as a petite woman with long brown hair, big brown eyes and a slim build. Her nationality is not immediately obvious since she frequently wears clothes in dark colors, even on her first professional appearance, which may be a hint about her nationality or a fashion preference. At the beginning of the third season of her popular talk show, Sofia Lama gave an interview in English in Spanish, in which she disclosed that she was originally raised in Peru, as most of her family still speak Spanish. She maintained that her parents never tried to force her to speak English but that she always felt at home in the language, even if it was only a small amount. She indicated that her favorite thing about being an actress is the ability to be able to travel, speak different languages and visit exotic places without feeling that she is sacrificing anything in particular.
