Facts About Professional Figure Skating Athlete Carol Skjelbred


As we all know, Caroline Skjelbred was a professional figure skater before she became a top ranked athlete in the country. In fact, she was ranked number two in the world at that time and has held that rank for the last eight years. Since retiring as a professional skater, she has been involved in a number of business activities and has become a business owner as well. However, her most famous endeavor is as an owner of the Hooters restaurant chain. In fact, her business and ventures have brought her a great deal of personal and financial success.

However, even after being involved in the business industry for such a long time, people still wonder what’s the secret behind her amazing success? The truth is that her amazing height and slim body are a result of the fact that she is a very strong and fit woman. Her body type is what is known as a “C” shaped body. This means that her body is on the wide side, but her hips and legs appear to be long and lean, giving her the appearance of being slim and fit.

What has been reported is that as she ages, her muscles get weaker and her fitness level drops. However, her determination and drive to keep up with her competitors in the field of figure skating makes her keep going and excel even at the older age of forty-four when most professionals will begin to experience a decline in their career. Even when this professional athlete gets older, she continues to compete in all the different figure skating events, which have helped her to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. If you are an athlete, it is important that you maintain a healthy and active lifestyle, as only then can you expect to achieve maximum results and longevity in your career.
