Facts About Caroline Feiffer


Ms. Caroline Feiffer was recently named as a co-worker of Nationality, as she is now an active part of the Nationality family. Ms. Feiffer is now a member of Nationality’s fitness team and is in her second year as a certified Personal Trainer. She is a national senior fitness champion. She began working with Nationality in 2021 and went on to become its personal trainer and later a company director.

The fitness industry is a competitive one and, being tall is often considered a disadvantage. So, it is no wonder that Nationality selected Ms. Feiffer as their fitness trainer because of her height. She has also coached many other athletes including football player, John Terry, and cyclists Lance Armstrong and Stephen Vastu. It appears that Nationality has made a good choice in selecting its athlete, as Ms. Feiffer seems to be an athletic giant compared to the rest. Though she might not have the height of Mr. Terry or Armstrong, she is still a very tall woman and that plus her national title as a senior means that she will fit right into the company.

When we talk about her career, it is interesting to note that she began working with Nationality as a trainer before embarking on her professional path with Nationality. However, as a fitness professional she has pursued many different avenues of activity. Some of the activities she has pursued include working with corporate clients and serving as a sports chiropractor. Though this might not seem relevant to a relationship with Nationality as a trainer, these types of positions will always give you an opportunity to learn about different ways of marketing and working with other professionals.
